Project Information
: Flores, Indonesia
: The Neros Foundation
: Completed
Key Materials
: Compressed earth, Bamboo, Concrete, Corrugated steel, Timber
We are proud to support the Neros Foundation through our links to one of the trustees, Cara Sykes. The Neros Foundation is a charity working to relieve poverty affecting the inhabitants of the island of Flores, Indonesia, by providing basic yet vital infrastructure. It was set up after the trustees realised how much impact relatively small amounts of money could have in Flores. The practice has given financial assistance enabling the charity to build toilet facilities for schools but more recently we offered an internship to architectural student, Sophie Greene to develop a sustainable design solution for a new medical outreach centre to serve the local population. Both Sophie and architectural assistant Kelia Espinosa travelled to Indonesia in the summer of 2012 to view and assist progress on site.
We produced a report on sustainable construction.