Bath City Farm
We are very pleased to be working with Bath City Farm on a number of projects. Bath City Farm is a wonderful resource for the local community, providing training, education and entertainment, particularly to disadvantaged people – as well as food of course!
London Road Regeneration A community led public realm improvement
Before we started this project, London Road, a main thoroughfare in and out of Bath was blighted by heavy traffic and vacant commercial premises. We were appointed by Bath and North East Somerset to undertake a community led project to improve the external environment for local residents and business. By means of stakeholder workshops and use of models which encouraged participants to contribute their ideas in a variety of ways, a proposal to reclaim the street was developed and we produced a concept design which formed the basis for extensive traffic calming measures and public realm improvements. The final, constructed design was completed by others. The project has resulted in a more accessible environment, complete with trees, planters and improved pavement finishes that together create a higher quality gateway to the city.