Designscape is open for business

Working remotely

In line with current UK Government recommendations to protect the health of our staff and others, we have instituted measures to enable us to work remotely and continue to provide our high quality and collaborative service. If you wish to make contact with a specific member of our team and you know their email address, please use that in the first instance and they will call back, alternatively, ring the main studio number. This will usually be answered, if not, please leave a message and we will call you back as soon as possible

Chris Mackenzie 

Spencer Back 

Hilary Bassett 

Livia Klimaj

Josh Wyles

Lauren Tyrrell

Ian Hewitt

Timothy Hayward-Browne

Kamen Rusev

In line with current UK Government recommendations to protect the health of our staff and others, we have instituted measures to enable us to work remotely and continue to provide our high quality and collaborative service.